#*************************************************************************** #* (c) sliptonic (shopinthewoods@gmail.com) 2014 * #* * #* This file is part of the FreeCAD CAx development system. * #* * #* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * #* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * #* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * #* the License, or (at your option) any later version. * #* for detail see the LICENCE text file. * #* * #* FreeCAD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * #* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * #* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * #* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * #* * #* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * #* License along with FreeCAD; if not, write to the Free Software * #* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * #* USA * #* * #***************************************************************************/ TOOLTIP=''' Generate g-code from a Path that is compatible with the grbl controller. import grbl_post grbl_post.export(object,"/path/to/file.ncc") ''' import FreeCAD import PathScripts.PostUtils as PostUtils import argparse import datetime import shlex now = datetime.datetime.now() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='grbl', add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--header', action='store_true', help='output headers (default)') parser.add_argument('--no-header', action='store_true', help='suppress header output') parser.add_argument('--comments', action='store_true', help='output comment (default)') parser.add_argument('--no-comments', action='store_true', help='suppress comment output') parser.add_argument('--line-numbers', action='store_true', help='prefix with line numbers') parser.add_argument('--no-line-numbers', action='store_true', help='don\'t prefix with line numbers (default)') parser.add_argument('--show-editor', action='store_true', help='pop up editor before writing output (default)') parser.add_argument('--no-show-editor', action='store_true', help='don\'t pop up editor before writing output') parser.add_argument('--precision', default='4', help='number of digits of precision, default=4') parser.add_argument('--preamble', help='set commands to be issued before the first command, default="G17\nG90"') parser.add_argument('--postamble', help='set commands to be issued after the last command, default="M05\nG17 G90\n; M2"') TOOLTIP_ARGS=parser.format_help() #These globals set common customization preferences OUTPUT_COMMENTS = True OUTPUT_HEADER = True OUTPUT_LINE_NUMBERS = False OUTPUT_TOOL_CHANGE = False SHOW_EDITOR = True MODAL = False #if true commands are suppressed if the same as previous line. COMMAND_SPACE = " " LINENR = 100 #line number starting value #These globals will be reflected in the Machine configuration of the project UNITS = "G21" #G21 for metric, G20 for us standard MACHINE_NAME = "GRBL" CORNER_MIN = {'x':0, 'y':0, 'z':0 } CORNER_MAX = {'x':500, 'y':300, 'z':300 } PRECISION = 4 RAPID_MOVES = ['G0', 'G00'] #Preamble text will appear at the beginning of the GCODE output file. PREAMBLE = '''G17 G90 ''' #Postamble text will appear following the last operation. POSTAMBLE = '''M5 G17 G90 ; M2 ''' # These commands are ignored by commenting them out SUPPRESS_COMMANDS = [ 'G98', 'G80' ] #Pre operation text will be inserted before every operation PRE_OPERATION = '''''' #Post operation text will be inserted after every operation POST_OPERATION = '''''' #Tool Change commands will be inserted before a tool change TOOL_CHANGE = '''''' # to distinguish python built-in open function from the one declared below if open.__module__ == '__builtin__': pythonopen = open def processArguments(argstring): global OUTPUT_HEADER global OUTPUT_COMMENTS global OUTPUT_LINE_NUMBERS global SHOW_EDITOR global PRECISION global PREAMBLE global POSTAMBLE try: args = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(argstring)) if args.no_header: OUTPUT_HEADER = False if args.header: OUTPUT_HEADER = True if args.no_comments: OUTPUT_COMMENTS = False if args.comments: OUTPUT_COMMENTS = True if args.no_line_numbers: OUTPUT_LINE_NUMBERS = False if args.line_numbers: OUTPUT_LINE_NUMBERS = True if args.no_show_editor: SHOW_EDITOR = False if args.show_editor: SHOW_EDITOR = True print("Show editor = %d" % SHOW_EDITOR) PRECISION = args.precision if args.preamble is not None: PREAMBLE = args.preamble if args.postamble is not None: POSTAMBLE = args.postamble except: return False return True def export(objectslist,filename,argstring): if not processArguments(argstring): return None global UNITS for obj in objectslist: if not hasattr(obj,"Path"): print "the object " + obj.Name + " is not a path. Please select only path and Compounds." return print "postprocessing..." gcode = "" #Find the machine. #The user my have overridden post processor defaults in the GUI. Make sure we're using the current values in the Machine Def. myMachine = None for pathobj in objectslist: if hasattr(pathobj,"Group"): #We have a compound or project. for p in pathobj.Group: if p.Name == "Machine": myMachine = p if myMachine is None: print "No machine found in this project" else: if myMachine.MachineUnits == "Metric": UNITS = "G21" else: UNITS = "G20" # write header if OUTPUT_HEADER: gcode += linenumber() + "(Exported by FreeCAD)\n" gcode += linenumber() + "(Post Processor: " + __name__ +")\n" gcode += linenumber() + "(Output Time:"+str(now)+")\n" #Write the preamble if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: gcode += linenumber() + "(begin preamble)\n" for line in PREAMBLE.splitlines(True): gcode += linenumber() + line gcode += linenumber() + UNITS + "\n" for obj in objectslist: #do the pre_op if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: gcode += linenumber() + "(begin operation: " + obj.Label + ")\n" for line in PRE_OPERATION.splitlines(True): gcode += linenumber() + line gcode += parse(obj) #do the post_op if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: gcode += linenumber() + "(finish operation: " + obj.Label + ")\n" for line in POST_OPERATION.splitlines(True): gcode += linenumber() + line #do the post_amble if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: gcode += "(begin postamble)\n" for line in POSTAMBLE.splitlines(True): gcode += linenumber() + line if FreeCAD.GuiUp and SHOW_EDITOR: dia = PostUtils.GCodeEditorDialog() dia.editor.setText(gcode) result = dia.exec_() if result: final = dia.editor.toPlainText() else: final = gcode else: final = gcode print "done postprocessing." gfile = pythonopen(filename,"wb") gfile.write(gcode) gfile.close() def linenumber(): global LINENR if OUTPUT_LINE_NUMBERS == True: LINENR += 10 return "N" + str(LINENR) + " " return "" def parse(pathobj): out = "" lastcommand = None precision_string = '.' + str(PRECISION) +'f' #params = ['X','Y','Z','A','B','I','J','K','F','S'] #This list control the order of parameters params = ['Y','X','Z','A','B','J','I','F','S','T','Q','R','L'] #swap X and Y as well as I and J so they are processed in the right order for the final NC file if hasattr(pathobj,"Group"): #We have a compound or project. if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: out += linenumber() + "(compound: " + pathobj.Label + ")\n" for p in pathobj.Group: out += parse(p) return out else: #parsing simple path if not hasattr(pathobj,"Path"): #groups might contain non-path things like stock. return out if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: out += linenumber() + "(Path: " + pathobj.Label + ")\n" for c in pathobj.Path.Commands: outstring = [] command = c.Name if command == 'G3': command ='G2' elif command == 'G2': command = 'G3' outstring.append(command) # if modal: only print the command if it is not the same as the last one if MODAL == True: if command == lastcommand: outstring.pop(0) # Now add the remaining parameters in order for param in params: if param in c.Parameters: if param == 'F': if command not in RAPID_MOVES: outstring.append(param + format(c.Parameters['F'], '.2f')) elif param == 'T': outstring.append(param + str(c.Parameters['T'])) elif param == 'Y': outstring.append('X' + format(c.Parameters[param], precision_string)) elif param == 'X': outstring.append('Y' + format(c.Parameters[param], precision_string)) elif param == 'Z': outstring.append(param + format(-1.0 * c.Parameters[param], precision_string)) elif param == 'J': outstring.append('I' + format(c.Parameters[param], precision_string)) elif param == 'I': outstring.append('J' + format(c.Parameters[param], precision_string)) else: outstring.append(param + format(c.Parameters[param], precision_string)) # store the latest command lastcommand = command # Check for Tool Change: if command == 'M6': if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: out += linenumber() + "(begin toolchange)\n" if not OUTPUT_TOOL_CHANGE: outstring.insert(0, ";") else: for line in TOOL_CHANGE.splitlines(True): out += linenumber() + line if command == "message": if OUTPUT_COMMENTS == False: out = [] else: outstring.pop(0) #remove the command if command in SUPPRESS_COMMANDS: outstring.insert(0, ";") #prepend a line number and append a newline if len(outstring) >= 1: if OUTPUT_LINE_NUMBERS: outstring.insert(0,(linenumber())) #append the line to the final output for w in outstring: out += w + COMMAND_SPACE out = out.strip() + "\n" return out print __name__ + " gcode postprocessor loaded."