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pt1000 tx
Das erste Projekt was einem im Sinne von IoT einfällt ist wohl ein Temperatur Sensor. Daher hier ein kleiner Sketch um einen PT1000 auszulesen und dessen Daten zum Gateway zu senden.
Bitte die Librarys von hier installieren! https://github.com/CongducPham/LowCostLoRaGw http://www.libelium.com/development/waspmote/documentation/waspmote-lora-868mhz-915mhz-sx1272-networking-guide/ ===== Material ===== * PT1000 (Nicht PT100!, ansonsten muss der Sensor anders ausgelesen werden) * 1000Ohm Widerstand * Arduino * SX1278 (Oder SX1276) ===== Aufbau ===== Spannungsteiler: AREF → 1000Ohm A0 → PT1000→ GND Also ein 1:2 Spannungsteiler
- PT1000_TX.ino
/* * temperature sensor on analog 8 to test the LoRa gateway * extended version with AES and custom Carrier Sense features * * Copyright (C) 2016 Congduc Pham, University of Pau, France * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with the program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * ***************************************************************************** * last update: Nov. 26th by C. Pham */ #include <SPI.h> // Include the SX1272 #include "SX1272.h" // IMPORTANT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // please uncomment only 1 choice // #define ETSI_EUROPE_REGULATION //#define FCC_US_REGULATION //#define SENEGAL_REGULATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IMPORTANT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // please uncomment only 1 choice //#define BAND868 //#define BAND900 #define BAND433 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef ETSI_EUROPE_REGULATION #define MAX_DBM 14 // previous way for setting output power // char powerLevel='M'; #elif defined SENEGAL_REGULATION #define MAX_DBM 10 // previous way for setting output power // 'H' is actually 6dBm, so better to use the new way to set output power // char powerLevel='H'; #elif defined FCC_US_REGULATION #define MAX_DBM 14 #endif #ifdef BAND868 #ifdef SENEGAL_REGULATION const uint32_t DEFAULT_CHANNEL=CH_04_868; #else const uint32_t DEFAULT_CHANNEL=CH_10_868; #endif #elif defined BAND900 const uint32_t DEFAULT_CHANNEL=CH_05_900; #elif defined BAND433 const uint32_t DEFAULT_CHANNEL=CH_00_433; #endif // IMPORTANT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // uncomment if your radio is an HopeRF RFM92W, HopeRF RFM95W, Modtronix inAir9B, NiceRF1276 // or you known from the circuit diagram that output use the PABOOST line instead of the RFO line //#define PABOOST /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COMMENT OR UNCOMMENT TO CHANGE FEATURES. // ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! OTHERWISE LEAVE AS IT IS #if not defined _VARIANT_ARDUINO_DUE_X_ && not defined __SAMD21G18A__ #define WITH_EEPROM #endif //#define WITH_APPKEY #define FLOAT_TEMP #define NEW_DATA_FIELD #define LOW_POWER #define LOW_POWER_HIBERNATE #define CUSTOM_CS //#define LORA_LAS //#define WITH_AES //#define LORAWAN //#define TO_LORAWAN_GW #define WITH_ACK /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHANGE HERE THE LORA MODE, NODE ADDRESS #define LORAMODE 1 #define node_addr 6 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHANGE HERE THE THINGSPEAK FIELD BETWEEN 1 AND 4 #define field_index 3 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHANGE HERE THE READ PIN AND THE POWER PIN FOR THE TEMP. SENSOR #define TEMP_PIN_READ A0 // use digital 8 to power the temperature sensor if needed #define TEMP_PIN_POWER 8 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHANGE HERE THE TIME IN MINUTES BETWEEN 2 READING & TRANSMISSION unsigned int idlePeriodInMin = 10; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef WITH_APPKEY /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHANGE HERE THE APPKEY, BUT IF GW CHECKS FOR APPKEY, MUST BE // IN THE APPKEY LIST MAINTAINED BY GW. uint8_t my_appKey[4]={5, 6, 7, 8}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // we wrapped Serial.println to support the Arduino Zero or M0 #if defined __SAMD21G18A__ && not defined ARDUINO_SAMD_FEATHER_M0 #define PRINTLN SerialUSB.println("") #define PRINT_CSTSTR(fmt,param) SerialUSB.print(F(param)) #define PRINT_STR(fmt,param) SerialUSB.print(param) #define PRINT_VALUE(fmt,param) SerialUSB.print(param) #define PRINT_HEX(fmt,param) SerialUSB.print(param,HEX) #define FLUSHOUTPUT SerialUSB.flush(); #else #define PRINTLN Serial.println("") #define PRINT_CSTSTR(fmt,param) Serial.print(F(param)) #define PRINT_STR(fmt,param) Serial.print(param) #define PRINT_VALUE(fmt,param) Serial.print(param) #define PRINT_HEX(fmt,param) Serial.print(param,HEX) #define FLUSHOUTPUT Serial.flush(); #endif #ifdef WITH_EEPROM #include <EEPROM.h> #endif #define DEFAULT_DEST_ADDR 1 #ifdef WITH_ACK #define NB_RETRIES 15 #endif #if defined ARDUINO_AVR_PRO || defined ARDUINO_AVR_MINI || defined __MK20DX256__ || defined __MKL26Z64__ || defined __MK64FX512__ || defined __MK66FX1M0__ || defined __SAMD21G18A__ // if you have a Pro Mini running at 5V, then change here // these boards work in 3.3V // Nexus board from Ideetron is a Mini // __MK66FX1M0__ is for Teensy36 // __MK64FX512__ is for Teensy35 // __MK20DX256__ is for Teensy31/32 // __MKL26Z64__ is for TeensyLC // __SAMD21G18A__ is for Zero/M0 and FeatherM0 (Cortex-M0) #define TEMP_SCALE 3300.0 #else // ARDUINO_AVR_NANO || defined ARDUINO_AVR_UNO || defined ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560 // also for all other boards, so change here if required. #define TEMP_SCALE 5000.0 #endif #ifdef LOW_POWER // this is for the Teensy36, Teensy35, Teensy31/32 & TeensyLC // need v6 of Snooze library #if defined __MK20DX256__ || defined __MKL26Z64__ || defined __MK64FX512__ || defined __MK66FX1M0__ #define LOW_POWER_PERIOD 60 #include <Snooze.h> SnoozeTimer timer; SnoozeBlock sleep_config(timer); #else #define LOW_POWER_PERIOD 8 // you need the LowPower library from RocketScream // https://github.com/rocketscream/Low-Power #include "LowPower.h" #ifdef __SAMD21G18A__ // use the RTC library #include "RTCZero.h" /* Create an rtc object */ RTCZero rtc; #endif #endif unsigned int nCycle = idlePeriodInMin*60/LOW_POWER_PERIOD; #endif #ifdef WITH_AES #include "AES-128_V10.h" #include "Encrypt_V31.h" unsigned char AppSkey[16] = { 0x2B, 0x7E, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xA6, 0xAB, 0xF7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xCF, 0x4F, 0x3C }; unsigned char NwkSkey[16] = { 0x2B, 0x7E, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xA6, 0xAB, 0xF7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xCF, 0x4F, 0x3C }; unsigned char DevAddr[4] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, node_addr }; uint16_t Frame_Counter_Up = 0x0000; // we use the same convention than for LoRaWAN as we will use the same AES convention // See LoRaWAN specifications unsigned char Direction = 0x00; #endif #ifdef LORA_LAS #include "LoRaActivitySharing.h" // acting as an end-device LASDevice loraLAS(node_addr,LAS_DEFAULT_ALPHA,DEFAULT_DEST_ADDR); #endif double temp; unsigned long nextTransmissionTime=0L; char float_str[20]; uint8_t message[100]; #ifdef TO_LORAWAN_GW int loraMode=1; #else int loraMode=LORAMODE; #endif #ifdef WITH_EEPROM struct sx1272config { uint8_t flag1; uint8_t flag2; uint8_t seq; // can add other fields such as LoRa mode,... }; sx1272config my_sx1272config; #endif // receive window uint16_t w_timer=1000; #ifdef CUSTOM_CS unsigned long startDoCad, endDoCad; bool extendedIFS=true; bool RSSIonSend=true; uint8_t SIFS_cad_number; uint8_t send_cad_number; uint8_t SIFS_value[11]={0, 183, 94, 44, 47, 23, 24, 12, 12, 7, 4}; uint8_t CAD_value[11]={0, 62, 31, 16, 16, 8, 9, 5, 3, 1, 1}; // we could use the CarrierSense function added in the SX1272 library, but it is more convenient to duplicate it here // so that we could easily modify it for testing void CarrierSense() { bool carrierSenseRetry=false; int e; if (send_cad_number) { do { do { // check for free channel (SIFS/DIFS) startDoCad=millis(); e = sx1272.doCAD(send_cad_number); endDoCad=millis(); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","--> CAD duration "); PRINT_VALUE("%ld",endDoCad-startDoCad); PRINTLN; if (!e) { PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","OK1\n"); if (extendedIFS) { // wait for random number of CAD #ifdef ARDUINO uint8_t w = random(1,8); #else uint8_t w = rand() % 8 + 1; #endif PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","--> waiting for "); PRINT_VALUE("%d",w); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s"," CAD = "); PRINT_VALUE("%d",CAD_value[loraMode]*w); PRINTLN; delay(CAD_value[loraMode]*w); // check for free channel (SIFS/DIFS) once again startDoCad=millis(); e = sx1272.doCAD(send_cad_number); endDoCad=millis(); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","--> CAD duration "); PRINT_VALUE("%ld",endDoCad-startDoCad); PRINTLN; if (!e) PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","OK2"); else PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","###2"); PRINTLN; } } else { PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","###1\n"); // wait for random number of DIFS #ifdef ARDUINO uint8_t w = random(1,8); #else uint8_t w = rand() % 8 + 1; #endif PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","--> waiting for "); PRINT_VALUE("%d",w); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s"," DIFS (DIFS=3SIFS) = "); PRINT_VALUE("%d",SIFS_value[loraMode]*3*w); PRINTLN; delay(SIFS_value[loraMode]*3*w); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","--> retry\n"); } } while (e); // CAD is OK, but need to check RSSI if (RSSIonSend) { e=sx1272.getRSSI(); uint8_t rssi_retry_count=10; if (!e) { PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","--> RSSI "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", sx1272._RSSI); PRINTLN; while (sx1272._RSSI > -90 && rssi_retry_count) { delay(1); sx1272.getRSSI(); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","--> RSSI "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", sx1272._RSSI); PRINTLN; rssi_retry_count--; } } else PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","--> RSSI error\n"); if (!rssi_retry_count) carrierSenseRetry=true; else carrierSenseRetry=false; } } while (carrierSenseRetry); } } #endif #define DEF_BAUDRATE 19200 #define ADC_MAX 1023 // bei 10 Bit #define PT_IN_0 0 // analog Eingang A0 #define UEBERLAUF 9999 // Fehler bei offenem Eingang #define R_PT0 1000.0 // bei 0 Grad C #define R_REF 1000.0 // ext. Widerstand mit 0,1% #define R_ZULEITUNG 0 // bei laengeren Leitungen unbedingt anpassen #define PT_FAKTOR 3.85 // schon mit 1000.0 skaliert int lese_PT1000(int ad_eingang) // liest den ADC-Eingang und rechnet auf Grad Celsius um { int temperatur, ADC_wert; float PT_x; analogReference(DEFAULT); // AREF einschalten analogRead(PT_IN_0); // ADC in Betrieb nehmen ADC_wert = analogRead(ad_eingang); // und Kanal messen analogReference(EXTERNAL); analogRead(7); // AREF wieder abschalten: geht nur so if(ADC_wert < ADC_MAX) { // nur gueltige Werte auswerten PT_x = R_REF * ADC_wert / (ADC_MAX-ADC_wert); // Widerstand ausrechnen PT_x = PT_x - R_PT0 - R_ZULEITUNG; // Offset fuer 0 Grad abziehen temperatur = PT_x / PT_FAKTOR; // und auf Grad C skalieren } else temperatur = UEBERLAUF; // falls PT1000-Zuleitung offen return temperatur; } void setup() { int e; // for the temperature sensor pinMode(TEMP_PIN_READ, INPUT); // and to power the temperature sensor pinMode(TEMP_PIN_POWER,OUTPUT); #ifdef LOW_POWER #ifdef __SAMD21G18A__ rtc.begin(); #endif #else digitalWrite(TEMP_PIN_POWER,HIGH); #endif delay(3000); // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: #if defined __SAMD21G18A__ && not defined ARDUINO_SAMD_FEATHER_M0 SerialUSB.begin(38400); #else Serial.begin(38400); #endif // Print a start message PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","LoRa temperature sensor, extended version\n"); #ifdef ARDUINO_AVR_PRO PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Arduino Pro Mini detected\n"); #endif #ifdef ARDUINO_AVR_NANO PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Arduino Nano detected\n"); #endif #ifdef ARDUINO_AVR_MINI PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Arduino MINI/Nexus detected\n"); #endif #ifdef __MK20DX256__ PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Teensy31/32 detected\n"); #endif #ifdef __MKL26Z64__ PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","TeensyLC detected\n"); #endif #ifdef __SAMD21G18A__ PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Arduino M0/Zero detected\n"); #endif // Power ON the module sx1272.ON(); #ifdef WITH_EEPROM // get config from EEPROM EEPROM.get(0, my_sx1272config); // found a valid config? if (my_sx1272config.flag1==0x12 && my_sx1272config.flag2==0x34) { PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Get back previous sx1272 config\n"); // set sequence number for SX1272 library sx1272._packetNumber=my_sx1272config.seq; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Using packet sequence number of "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", sx1272._packetNumber); PRINTLN; } else { // otherwise, write config and start over my_sx1272config.flag1=0x12; my_sx1272config.flag2=0x34; my_sx1272config.seq=sx1272._packetNumber; } #endif // Set transmission mode and print the result e = sx1272.setMode(loraMode); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Setting Mode: state "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", e); PRINTLN; if (loraMode==1) w_timer=2500; #ifdef LORA_LAS loraLAS.setSIFS(loraMode); #endif #ifdef CUSTOM_CS if (loraMode>7) SIFS_cad_number=6; else SIFS_cad_number=3; // SIFS=3CAD and DIFS=3SIFS // here we use a DIFS prior to data transmission send_cad_number=3*SIFS_cad_number; #ifdef LOW_POWER // TODO: with low power, when setting the radio module in sleep mode // there seem to be some issue with RSSI reading RSSIonSend=false; #endif #else // enable carrier sense sx1272._enableCarrierSense=true; #ifdef LOW_POWER // TODO: with low power, when setting the radio module in sleep mode // there seem to be some issue with RSSI reading sx1272._RSSIonSend=false; #endif #endif // Select frequency channel e = sx1272.setChannel(DEFAULT_CHANNEL); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Setting Channel: state "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", e); PRINTLN; // Select amplifier line; PABOOST or RFO #ifdef PABOOST sx1272._needPABOOST=true; // previous way for setting output power // powerLevel='x'; #else // previous way for setting output power // powerLevel='M'; #endif // previous way for setting output power // e = sx1272.setPower(powerLevel); e = sx1272.setPowerDBM((uint8_t)MAX_DBM); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Setting Power: state "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", e); PRINTLN; // Set the node address and print the result e = sx1272.setNodeAddress(node_addr); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Setting node addr: state "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", e); PRINTLN; #ifdef TO_LORAWAN_GW e = sx1272.setSyncWord(0x34); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Set sync word to 0x34 state "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", e); PRINTLN; #endif // Print a success message PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","SX1272 successfully configured\n"); #ifdef LORA_LAS loraLAS.ON(LAS_ON_WRESET); #endif //printf_begin(); delay(500); } #if not defined _VARIANT_ARDUINO_DUE_X_ && defined FLOAT_TEMP char *ftoa(char *a, double f, int precision) { long p[] = {0,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000}; char *ret = a; long heiltal = (long)f; itoa(heiltal, a, 10); while (*a != '\0') a++; *a++ = '.'; long desimal = abs((long)((f - heiltal) * p[precision])); itoa(desimal, a, 10); return ret; } #endif void loop(void) { long startSend; long endSend; uint8_t app_key_offset=0; int e; #ifdef LORA_LAS // call periodically to be able to detect the start of a new cycle loraLAS.checkCycle(); #else //if (loraLAS._has_init && (millis()-lastTransmissionTime > 120000)) { #endif #ifndef LOW_POWER // 600000+random(15,60)*1000 if (millis() > nextTransmissionTime) { #endif #ifdef LOW_POWER digitalWrite(TEMP_PIN_POWER,HIGH); // security? delay(200); int value = analogRead(TEMP_PIN_READ); #else int value = analogRead(TEMP_PIN_READ); #endif // change here how the temperature should be computed depending on your sensor type // temp = lese_PT1000(PT_IN_0); digitalWrite(TEMP_PIN_POWER,LOW); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Reading "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", value); PRINTLN; //temp = temp - 0.5; //temp = temp / 10.0; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Temp is "); PRINT_VALUE("%f", temp); PRINTLN; #if defined WITH_APPKEY && not defined WITH_AES app_key_offset = sizeof(my_appKey); // set the app key in the payload memcpy(message,my_appKey,app_key_offset); #endif uint8_t r_size; // then use app_key_offset to skip the app key #ifdef _VARIANT_ARDUINO_DUE_X_ #ifdef NEW_DATA_FIELD r_size=sprintf((char*)message+app_key_offset, "\\!#%d#TC/%.2f", field_index, temp); #else r_size=sprintf((char*)message+app_key_offset, "\\!#%d#%.2f", field_index, temp); #endif #else #ifdef FLOAT_TEMP ftoa(float_str,temp,2); #ifdef NEW_DATA_FIELD r_size=sprintf((char*)message+app_key_offset, "\\!#%d#TC/%s", field_index, float_str); #else // this is for testing, uncomment if you just want to test, without a real temp sensor plugged //strcpy(float_str, "21.55567"); r_size=sprintf((char*)message+app_key_offset, "\\!#%d#%s", field_index, float_str); #endif #else #ifdef NEW_DATA_FIELD r_size=sprintf((char*)message+app_key_offset, "\\!#%d#TC/%d", field_index, (int)temp); #else r_size=sprintf((char*)message+app_key_offset, "\\!#%d#%d", field_index, (int)temp); #endif #endif #endif PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Sending "); PRINT_STR("%s",(char*)(message+app_key_offset)); PRINTLN; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Real payload size is "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", r_size); PRINTLN; int pl=r_size+app_key_offset; #ifdef WITH_AES // if encryption then we DO NOT use appkey // PRINT_STR("%s",(char*)message); PRINTLN; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","plain payload hex\n"); for (int i=0; i<pl;i++) { if (message[i]<16) PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","0"); PRINT_HEX("%X", message[i]); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s"," "); } PRINTLN; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Encrypting\n"); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","encrypted payload\n"); Encrypt_Payload((unsigned char*)message, pl, Frame_Counter_Up, Direction); //Print encrypted message for(int i = 0; i < pl; i++) { if (message[i]<16) PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","0"); PRINT_HEX("%X", message[i]); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s"," "); } PRINTLN; // with encryption, we use for the payload a LoRaWAN packet format to reuse available LoRaWAN encryption libraries // unsigned char LORAWAN_Data[256]; unsigned char LORAWAN_Package_Length; unsigned char MIC[4]; //Unconfirmed data up unsigned char Mac_Header = 0x40; // no ADR, not an ACK and no options unsigned char Frame_Control = 0x00; // with application data so Frame_Port = 1..223 unsigned char Frame_Port = 0x01; //Build the Radio Package, LoRaWAN format //See LoRaWAN specification LORAWAN_Data[0] = Mac_Header; LORAWAN_Data[1] = DevAddr[3]; LORAWAN_Data[2] = DevAddr[2]; LORAWAN_Data[3] = DevAddr[1]; LORAWAN_Data[4] = DevAddr[0]; LORAWAN_Data[5] = Frame_Control; LORAWAN_Data[6] = (Frame_Counter_Up & 0x00FF); LORAWAN_Data[7] = ((Frame_Counter_Up >> 8) & 0x00FF); LORAWAN_Data[8] = Frame_Port; //Set Current package length LORAWAN_Package_Length = 9; //Load Data for(int i = 0; i < r_size; i++) { // see that we don't take the appkey, just the encrypted data that starts that message[app_key_offset] LORAWAN_Data[LORAWAN_Package_Length + i] = message[i]; } //Add data Lenth to package length LORAWAN_Package_Length = LORAWAN_Package_Length + r_size; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","calculate MIC with NwkSKey\n"); //Calculate MIC Calculate_MIC(LORAWAN_Data, MIC, LORAWAN_Package_Length, Frame_Counter_Up, Direction); //Load MIC in package for(int i=0; i < 4; i++) { LORAWAN_Data[i + LORAWAN_Package_Length] = MIC[i]; } //Add MIC length to package length LORAWAN_Package_Length = LORAWAN_Package_Length + 4; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","transmitted LoRaWAN-like packet:\n"); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","MHDR[1] | DevAddr[4] | FCtrl[1] | FCnt[2] | FPort[1] | EncryptedPayload | MIC[4]\n"); //Print transmitted data for(int i = 0; i < LORAWAN_Package_Length; i++) { if (LORAWAN_Data[i]<16) PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","0"); PRINT_HEX("%X", LORAWAN_Data[i]); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s"," "); } PRINTLN; // copy back to message memcpy(message,LORAWAN_Data,LORAWAN_Package_Length); pl = LORAWAN_Package_Length; #ifdef LORAWAN PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","end-device uses native LoRaWAN packet format\n"); // indicate to SX1272 lib that raw mode at transmission is required to avoid our own packet header sx1272._rawFormat=true; #else PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","end-device uses encapsulated LoRaWAN packet format only for encryption\n"); #endif // in any case, we increment Frame_Counter_Up // even if the transmission will not succeed Frame_Counter_Up++; #endif #ifdef CUSTOM_CS CarrierSense(); #else sx1272.CarrierSense(); #endif startSend=millis(); #ifdef WITH_AES // indicate that payload is encrypted // DO NOT take into account appkey sx1272.setPacketType(PKT_TYPE_DATA | PKT_FLAG_DATA_ENCRYPTED); #else #ifdef WITH_APPKEY // indicate that we have an appkey sx1272.setPacketType(PKT_TYPE_DATA | PKT_FLAG_DATA_WAPPKEY); #else // just a simple data packet sx1272.setPacketType(PKT_TYPE_DATA); #endif #endif #ifdef LORA_LAS e = loraLAS.sendData(DEFAULT_DEST_ADDR, (uint8_t*)message, pl, 0, LAS_FIRST_DATAPKT+LAS_LAST_DATAPKT, LAS_NOACK); if (e==TOA_OVERUSE) { PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Not sent, TOA_OVERUSE\n"); } if (e==LAS_LBT_ERROR) { PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","LBT error\n"); } if (e==LAS_SEND_ERROR || e==LAS_ERROR) { PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Send error\n"); } #else // Send message to the gateway and print the result // with the app key if this feature is enabled #ifdef WITH_ACK int n_retry=NB_RETRIES; do { e = sx1272.sendPacketTimeoutACK(DEFAULT_DEST_ADDR, message, pl); if (e==3) PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","No ACK"); n_retry--; if (n_retry) PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Retry"); else PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Abort"); } while (e && n_retry); #else e = sx1272.sendPacketTimeout(DEFAULT_DEST_ADDR, message, pl); #endif #endif endSend=millis(); #ifdef LORAWAN // switch back to normal behavior sx1272._rawFormat=false; #endif #ifdef WITH_EEPROM // save packet number for next packet in case of reboot my_sx1272config.seq=sx1272._packetNumber; EEPROM.put(0, my_sx1272config); #endif PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","LoRa pkt size "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", pl); PRINTLN; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","LoRa pkt seq "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", sx1272.packet_sent.packnum); PRINTLN; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","LoRa Sent in "); PRINT_VALUE("%ld", endSend-startSend); PRINTLN; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","LoRa Sent w/CAD in "); PRINT_VALUE("%ld", endSend-sx1272._startDoCad); PRINTLN; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Packet sent, state "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", e); PRINTLN; #ifdef LOW_POWER PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Switch to power saving mode\n"); e = sx1272.setSleepMode(); if (!e) PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Successfully switch LoRa module in sleep mode\n"); else PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Could not switch LoRa module in sleep mode\n"); FLUSHOUTPUT delay(50); #ifdef __SAMD21G18A__ // For Arduino M0 or Zero we use the built-in RTC //LowPower.standby(); rtc.setTime(17, 0, 0); rtc.setDate(1, 1, 2000); rtc.setAlarmTime(17, idlePeriodInMin, 0); // for testing with 20s //rtc.setAlarmTime(17, 0, 20); rtc.enableAlarm(rtc.MATCH_HHMMSS); //rtc.attachInterrupt(alarmMatch); rtc.standbyMode(); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","SAMD21G18A wakes up from standby\n"); FLUSHOUTPUT #else nCycle = idlePeriodInMin*60/LOW_POWER_PERIOD + random(2,4); #if defined __MK20DX256__ || defined __MKL26Z64__ || defined __MK64FX512__ || defined __MK66FX1M0__ // warning, setTimer accepts value from 1ms to 65535ms max timer.setTimer(LOW_POWER_PERIOD*1000 + random(1,5)*1000);// milliseconds nCycle = idlePeriodInMin*60/LOW_POWER_PERIOD; #endif for (int i=0; i<nCycle; i++) { #if defined ARDUINO_AVR_PRO || defined ARDUINO_AVR_NANO || ARDUINO_AVR_UNO || ARDUINO_AVR_MINI // ATmega328P, ATmega168 LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF); //LowPower.idle(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, TIMER2_OFF, TIMER1_OFF, TIMER0_OFF, // SPI_OFF, USART0_OFF, TWI_OFF); #elif defined ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560 // ATmega2560 LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF); //LowPower.idle(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, TIMER5_OFF, TIMER4_OFF, TIMER3_OFF, // TIMER2_OFF, TIMER1_OFF, TIMER0_OFF, SPI_OFF, USART3_OFF, // USART2_OFF, USART1_OFF, USART0_OFF, TWI_OFF); #elif defined __MK20DX256__ || defined __MKL26Z64__ || defined __MK64FX512__ || defined __MK66FX1M0__ // Teensy31/32 & TeensyLC #ifdef LOW_POWER_HIBERNATE Snooze.hibernate(sleep_config); #else Snooze.deepSleep(sleep_config); #endif #else // use the delay function delay(LOW_POWER_PERIOD*1000); #endif PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","."); FLUSHOUTPUT; delay(10); } delay(50); #endif #else PRINT_VALUE("%ld", nextTransmissionTime); PRINTLN; PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Will send next value at\n"); // use a random part also to avoid collision nextTransmissionTime=millis()+(unsigned long)idlePeriodInMin*60*1000+(unsigned long)random(15,60)*1000; PRINT_VALUE("%ld", nextTransmissionTime); PRINTLN; } #endif #ifdef LORA_LAS // open a receive window // only if radio is on for receiving LAS control messages if (loraLAS._isRadioOn) { e = sx1272.receivePacketTimeout(w_timer); if (!e) { uint8_t tmp_length; if (loraLAS.isLASMsg(sx1272.packet_received.data)) { tmp_length=sx1272.packet_received.length-OFFSET_PAYLOADLENGTH; int v=loraLAS.handleLASMsg(sx1272.packet_received.src, sx1272.packet_received.data, tmp_length); if (v==DSP_DATA) { PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Strange to receive data from LR-BS\n"); } } } } #endif }